Tuesday, January 1, 2013

For Auld Lang Syne

So I have resolved to blog more...and I guess it all starts here.

My goals for the year:
* Full paleo eating habits for the entire month of January. I'll try to keep you as updated as possible.
* Blog more. The goal here is to offer encouragement or entertainment - whichever works at the time is good for me.
* Apply for my PhD - this will only be usurped by the possibility of getting my dream job. (More on that as the time approaches...)
* Graduate from Gonzaga w/my MA in May.
* I'm going to go on a few dates - even if I have to do the darn asking. Ugh.
* I am going to make it to England this year. It will happen.
* I'd like to do crossfit at least once a month this year. I've never done it before but definitely want to!
* I need to get in shape, lose weight, and so does Crab. We're doing this. And, I'm going to wear the clothes I want to wear. It's happening.

There are more but I don't have the list...so that's all I have. I'm excited to see what God has in store for the year. I have high hopes and am a little giddy about watching the plan unfold (Jer 29:11)

Happy New Year!!

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