Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The last part of August brought a pretty happy change for me - and September was amazing (ya know, UH-MAZE-ING). Nothing serious, just an intimidatingly smart, funny, handsome distraction. No idea what is going to come of it - but I've had more fun in the last 30+ days than I have in a decade, and THAT is saying something. (I'm a fun girl, what can I say?)

I'm spending more time on me, too. I've ran more miles this week than I ever have before. Each day I've been aiming for 5 miles - which isn't much to REAL runners, but for me, it's so much more than I would've ever thought possible on a daily basis. Today, I splurged and got a Road ID bracelet and yesterday, I got a new race-day shirt. Tonight - I'm heading to the runner's store to get some new kicks. Along with my new brace, I'm hoping the shoes make my feet and knee feel new again.

This Sunday, I participate in a 10k in Spokane...yep, running a 10 on 10/10/10! On the 23rd, I've got another 5k, followed by a 10 mile race in November - and the grand finale - the reason I started running - the Seattle Half Marathon is on Sunday, November 28th. There's the notion that my finish line could have company - and that would be fantastic.

I'm so happy and relieved to be feeling renewed and refreshed - I am laughing so much and smiling so much lately - I just want to soak it in.  It could last another week or longer, I'm just going to enjoy what I can while I have it. I was raised to not be selfish - to put others first, but I'm gonna go ahead and say it - this time is for me. I deserve to be carefree and laidback, and I'm SO grateful that it's happening now. I'm a really happy girl. And in case the distraction ever happens upon this - many, many thanks for reminding me what this feels like.

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