Our company is competing in a "Biggest Loser" weight-off. I kind of spear-headed it, with the full intention or winning. And, the truth is, it's completely do-able. I have enough weight to lose to make a difference, but not so much that I'd be sick if I lost it. This morning, the big boss weighed in, and he's beating me!!! Oy vey, my weekend of 2000 calories a day may end up biting me, so I'll have to step it up. The hard part is this silly cold thing...I need to learn to burn calories while I blow my nose :) The work week is no problem, it's the weekEND that needs more self control.
I walked about 3 miles yesterday; I would've liked to have walked a lot more than that, but with the cold, I didn't see the need to completely drain myself. I'm hoping to take it up to 5 miles today - I just need to make myself do it. If I intend to finish the half marathon in March, it's going to take some serious effort - and I can do it, I just need to get in the right mindset. Once I finish it, I think I'll be in better headspace to actually jog the half marathon in November. For 2011, I'll go for the entire marathon!
Anywho, I'm blessed today as I'm reminded about the goodness of God. He makes all things new; so even when things look murky, I have the blessed assurance that it won't be murky for long. There's a song that goes: "Sometimes He calms the storm, and other times He calms His child." I think for the last 8 months or so, He's just calmed me, and so long as He's there, the storms can come. I have no idea what He has planned for me, but I'm looking forward to it with excitement and thanksgiving, that He loves me and knows the desires of my heart. His plan is so much better than anything I could dream of, so I wait for it with abounding hope.
God Bless!
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