Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Challenges

Just before the end of the year, I registered for a half marathon.  It's not until November, but it's already got my blood pumping.  I'm NOT in shape for this, so I'm so very grateful that I have 11 months to prepare myself for it!  I also started a Biggest Loser competition at work this week, and then promptly left for Cleveland on a business trip, and proceded to eat AWFUL, HIGH CALORIE food all week.  Oh yes, this is fantastic progress already.  Excuse me while I purchase stock in dexatrim and exlax...NOT going according to plan, but this will all change tomorrow!

So, before I will set foot on the half marathon course, I plan to run a 3.75 mile dash in Seattle, a 5k in April in Spokane, Bloomsday in Spokane in May, then another half marathon in the Pac NW along with another 5k before the official half M in November.  Like the true academic nerd I am, I even bought a book, "The Idiots Guide to Running"...oh yeah, you can say it.  NERD! Considering I'm a chronic asthmatic with a bum leg, I'm beyond excited to see how this goes.  I know that God is bigger than asthma, and He's bigger than a torn muscle, so while I'm being smart not to hurt myself or cause an attack, I am excited about what is going to happen this year.

This year I'm trying to keep better track of what I'm praying for and how it's answered.  A friend of mine from high school is going through what seems to be the roughest time of her life.  She could lose her marriage and both of her a single girl who longs for  a future husband and children, I wonder; is it better to not have those things, than to finally get them and then struggle with the possibility of losing them? She's constantly on my mind and always in my prayers. I know that God has a wonderful plan for her and that He holds her in the palm of His hand, so I hand it over to Him instead of worrying about it. His word promises us that "He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it." Rom 8:28, so I stand on that promise and will continue to hold her up and encourage her any way I can.  It's heart wrenching, knowing I can't do anything to take the hurt away.  The AMAZING news is, I know the one who can.

I'm hoping to go on the missions trip to Zambia in April.  It would be a dream come true, and an amazing opportunity to reach people who otherwise, may not ever receive the help they need.  We're told in the NT to "go ye therefore into all the world", so I hope that despite my status as a non-church member, I will be able to go.  What an opportunity, to cuddle orphans and help provide them with fresh, clean abundant supply!  I'd LOVE to hit all 7 continents for Christ this decade.  I think it's's HUGE, but not impossible :)

I want to make a difference this year, I want to help change the world in this decade. I want to lead a healthy, happy life - I want to be an example by complaining less and encouraging more; by being more grateful and by trying to make a change for the good.  I serve an AMAZING God, NOTHING is impossible for Him, NOTHING is too difficult for Him - and so long as I put Him first, then He'll see to the desires of my heart and direct my path.  It's pretty darn intense when you think about it.

Here's to a New Year, a New Decade, and a New outlook.
God Bless!!

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