Friday, January 4, 2013

New Directions - not just a glee club

So I made New Year's resolutions. I'm happy with what I've resolved to do and change in my little world. I decided to go Paleo, and it's a decision that I'm happy about. However, I should've done a better job getting rid of food in my house and surrounding myself with snack options that don't fall outside of Paleo parameters.

Last night, I was so freaking hungry - and a turkey burger with a bag of steamed broccoli wasn't cutting it. I decided that should a caveman be in my house, he'd go ahead and eat the corn chips and pineapple salsa- because cavemen didn't throw stuff away willy nilly (at least not in my estimation.) He'd probably be freaked out about a lot, but he'd eat.

So, I ate and I didnt beat myself up about it. I also took a nap, because my body wanted it and because it felt like freakimg magic.

This is the year of accepting myself - I'm going to do my darnedest to be as fit and healthy as possible - and I'm not expecting results over night. I'm wearing clothes that I like - regardless of what anyone else thinks or says. Dress over jeans? Yep, I like it like that. Scarf, sweater, and dress over jeans? Yes, Yes that's me. I will sew something for myself to wear this year - and I will love it. I will wear the clothes I want, whether I'm in a size I want to shout out loud or not.

I'm hoping for a new direction this year. New city, new home, new job, and please God, new boyfriend. I am excited about change - excited about the possibilities of little sparks of delicious, creative, and bright spots in my little world.

I've been reading a lot of Joyce Meyer lately (what else is new) and it's really impressed upon my heart to be in better fellowship with Jesus. Not to ask or expect anything, but to just spend time praising Him - and that's what I want to do this weekend. Spend time praising my Savior, the one without whom I would have no hope or life. I would encourage you to do the same. Just love on Jesus a bit and see what happens. My hope is that I fall more in love with Him and what He has for my life. He knows the desires of my heart, I don't have to keep shouting them at Him :)

Take good care of you, enjoy your weekend, and God Bless!!

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