Thursday, May 10, 2012

Oy! I suck at keeping up on this!!

Ok - it's been about 5 months since I posted...lame! I'm finishing my 6th & 7th grad classes tomorrow. Yippee!! I moved AGAIN, this time into a very small apartment. My dog is mad at me, there's not much room, and I could easily get a spot on the show Hoarders. Yikes.

One year from tomorrow, I graduate with my Master's in Communication and Leadership from Gonzaga. Praise the sweet Lord!!! In June, I head to Italy for 3 weeks for GU's Intercultural Communication Immersion course in Cagli. I'm super stoked. I was awarded one of the Intercultural Fellow scholarships, which is super flattering and inspiring.

I didn't get to run the Mercer Island Half in March. Doc said the knee is in no shape for 13.1 miles. Admittedly, finishing 4 grad classes in 16 weeks (w/ only 1 week break) has taken a toll on me. I fell off the Paleo wagon, but am happily back on it now. I feel so much better, need to lose weight, and want to RUN! Paleo/Primal will help with that. If I can get my rear in gear, I hope to be posting more travel writing here along with Paleo recipes that I like. (I'm not making any promises!)

At this juncture, there are NO distractions - which is just fine. I wouldn't have time for one! First things first, I'm heading to the JMM Conference in Tacoma next weekend (WOOHOO!) and then I'll tackle the living room. I have a storage unit, so I just need to USE it!!

I'm talking too much. If you're reading this - I hope you have an amazing weekend. Do something nice for yourself. No matter what's going on in your world, take care of you.

God Bless!!