What's crazy is a) I'm on sparkpeople and I love it. b) I have a motivational collage in my cubicle, and this girl who is running above is also on my collage twice! Someday, I'd like to have the same fit body (only, I'll keep the C's.) :)
Friday, March 26, 2010
Inspirational quote of the day :)
What's crazy is a) I'm on sparkpeople and I love it. b) I have a motivational collage in my cubicle, and this girl who is running above is also on my collage twice! Someday, I'd like to have the same fit body (only, I'll keep the C's.) :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Feeling like Forrest Gump... "I was RUNNING!"
On Sunday, I finished my 1st 1/2 marathon on Mercer Island, WA. I signed up to walk, planning on running to each mile marker as soon as I could see it. My plan worked! I finished in 3 hours and 50 minutes; bloody toes and sore muscles in tact!
For a chronic asthmatic with a torn gastroc, this was a feat!
I am signed up for races every month for the next 7 months - only these will be BETTER prepared for. I walked a lot to prepare for this 1/2 M, but not nearly as much as I needed to.
I've learned a lot about my body and about the sport of running in the last few days. I learned about my strengths, weaknesses, and mostly - I'm very proud of myself. When I ran across the finish line and people were shouting at me, "GO RUNNER!!!!" something inside me had the energy to jump...but my legs didn't cooperate :) It was an amazing experience, and I want to do it again!!!
I gotta make this really clear: I could not have even attempted this without my Savior. As a teenager, doctors told me I wouldn't run, I may not give birth, and I may not live long because of my asthma. A year ago, doctors told me they had no idea what to do about my leg because they hadn't ever seen a muscle do what mine has done. Well, my God is bigger than asthma - and He's bigger than a torn muscle. Nothing is impossible with Him. I ran with Philippians 4:13 streaming through my brain. "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." And it's true.
When I crossed that finish line, something changed in me. I'm a new creation. My faith is strengthened, my outlook is renewed, and my hope is refreshed. I'm praising God for what He has done!!!
God Bless,
For a chronic asthmatic with a torn gastroc, this was a feat!
I am signed up for races every month for the next 7 months - only these will be BETTER prepared for. I walked a lot to prepare for this 1/2 M, but not nearly as much as I needed to.
I've learned a lot about my body and about the sport of running in the last few days. I learned about my strengths, weaknesses, and mostly - I'm very proud of myself. When I ran across the finish line and people were shouting at me, "GO RUNNER!!!!" something inside me had the energy to jump...but my legs didn't cooperate :) It was an amazing experience, and I want to do it again!!!
I gotta make this really clear: I could not have even attempted this without my Savior. As a teenager, doctors told me I wouldn't run, I may not give birth, and I may not live long because of my asthma. A year ago, doctors told me they had no idea what to do about my leg because they hadn't ever seen a muscle do what mine has done. Well, my God is bigger than asthma - and He's bigger than a torn muscle. Nothing is impossible with Him. I ran with Philippians 4:13 streaming through my brain. "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." And it's true.
When I crossed that finish line, something changed in me. I'm a new creation. My faith is strengthened, my outlook is renewed, and my hope is refreshed. I'm praising God for what He has done!!!
God Bless,
Friday, March 19, 2010
12 years ago today...
On March 19, 1998 in tears, I got on a plane in Seattle, WA and landed a day later in London, England. For 9 months I was privileged to work with some of England's most amazing inhabitants. I spent a while in Glasgow, Scotland before being transferred to the Lake District, London, and back to the Lake District. The memories of that life-changing adventure will stay with me for a lifetime.
I experienced an amazing and passionate love like I had never known, the greatest and most unexpected loss of my young life, and that no matter who you are or what hand you have been dealt - you need to live your life to the fullest.
I paid homage at Shakespeare's birthplace, walked on ancestral soil in Ireland, held a little lamb, toured all of London's theatres & marketplaces, wound through tube stops, marveled at castles, snuck through passageways at the Tower of London, dreamt my way through the West End, led a group of tourists through Covent Garden, prayed in the Bath Abbey, sang in the York Minster, and drank my weight in tea.
I climbed rock faces, sped across gorgeous lakes in canoes, spelunked in deep caverns, hiked rolling green fells, floated through fields of daffodils, frolicked on the top of a cliff, and changed my outlook forever.
I found out what it meant to take care of someone who relied on you completely, to let go of inhibitions that make your stomach weak and your heart break, and how strong I really am.
One of my most treasured life experiences - here's to an amazing 9 months. Rex, Bedie, Arah, Jane, Jeff, Anna, Matt, Dawn, Marion, Eileen, Sue, Jo, Scott, JP, Ellie, Tina, Rose, Nick, and many more...John, and the one who we haven't met yet - I love and treasure thoughts and memories of you more than I can say.
God Bless,
I experienced an amazing and passionate love like I had never known, the greatest and most unexpected loss of my young life, and that no matter who you are or what hand you have been dealt - you need to live your life to the fullest.
I paid homage at Shakespeare's birthplace, walked on ancestral soil in Ireland, held a little lamb, toured all of London's theatres & marketplaces, wound through tube stops, marveled at castles, snuck through passageways at the Tower of London, dreamt my way through the West End, led a group of tourists through Covent Garden, prayed in the Bath Abbey, sang in the York Minster, and drank my weight in tea.
I climbed rock faces, sped across gorgeous lakes in canoes, spelunked in deep caverns, hiked rolling green fells, floated through fields of daffodils, frolicked on the top of a cliff, and changed my outlook forever.
I found out what it meant to take care of someone who relied on you completely, to let go of inhibitions that make your stomach weak and your heart break, and how strong I really am.
One of my most treasured life experiences - here's to an amazing 9 months. Rex, Bedie, Arah, Jane, Jeff, Anna, Matt, Dawn, Marion, Eileen, Sue, Jo, Scott, JP, Ellie, Tina, Rose, Nick, and many more...John, and the one who we haven't met yet - I love and treasure thoughts and memories of you more than I can say.
God Bless,
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
One of my favorite days!
Oh it's St. Patrick's Day!!! One of my favorite days of the year; 2nd only to Easter! I get decked out from head to toe; shamrock head band, buttons, necklaces, coat, shirt, socks, the works. I even bring extra flair in case someone forgot...and of course, Crab gets decked out too. (I'll have to post a pic!)
The half marathon is this weekend - and I am simply not ready. I WILL be ready for the Race for the Cure in Spokane on the 18th next month, and for the Rhody Run in Port Townsend on the 16th of May. This out of shape garbage has got to stop! I'm positive that I'll finish on Sunday, I just hope my leg and asthma are as sweet to me as I am to them!!
I went to a Passover Seder service last night. It was educational and emotional, historical and unforgettable. The horseradish portion of the supper, which represents the bitterness of the Jews' time in Egypt, was life-threatening! I've never heard so many people hack and cough in unison before. Some likened it to an above-ground drowning. It was awful; and aptly representative of the bitter time in Egypt. The speaker said something that I'm hearing ALL THE TIME; "Let me tell you this as a Jew, that when God tells you to do something, you do it - no matter what!" Yes Lord, I realize that you are beating this message into my head. I get it. I'm waiting. I got it. Hardest bloody time of my life; but God has not left His throne :)
I'm ready to get out of town this weekend. There's just no place like Seattle. You can't beat the ocean air, the mountain views, the unbeatable coffee, the unique boutiques, the open markets, the Asian superstores, and more. I just absolutely love it.
Here's the verse that I just can't shake lately: "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked." Ps 84:10 Hoping anyone who reads this has a wonderful day :)
God Bless,
The half marathon is this weekend - and I am simply not ready. I WILL be ready for the Race for the Cure in Spokane on the 18th next month, and for the Rhody Run in Port Townsend on the 16th of May. This out of shape garbage has got to stop! I'm positive that I'll finish on Sunday, I just hope my leg and asthma are as sweet to me as I am to them!!
I went to a Passover Seder service last night. It was educational and emotional, historical and unforgettable. The horseradish portion of the supper, which represents the bitterness of the Jews' time in Egypt, was life-threatening! I've never heard so many people hack and cough in unison before. Some likened it to an above-ground drowning. It was awful; and aptly representative of the bitter time in Egypt. The speaker said something that I'm hearing ALL THE TIME; "Let me tell you this as a Jew, that when God tells you to do something, you do it - no matter what!" Yes Lord, I realize that you are beating this message into my head. I get it. I'm waiting. I got it. Hardest bloody time of my life; but God has not left His throne :)
I'm ready to get out of town this weekend. There's just no place like Seattle. You can't beat the ocean air, the mountain views, the unbeatable coffee, the unique boutiques, the open markets, the Asian superstores, and more. I just absolutely love it.
Here's the verse that I just can't shake lately: "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked." Ps 84:10 Hoping anyone who reads this has a wonderful day :)
God Bless,
Monday, March 8, 2010
There are changes afoot...
I'm gearing up for my first half marathon. On the one hand, I'm SUPER stoked about this adventure. To say I've completed it will be 100% fantastic. I am kicking myself for not having prepared more than I have...but am committed to getting in some great workouts in the next two weeks so the 13.1 miles don't (sing it, Berlin) take my breath away. I've got another in November, and if I can jog half of that, I'll be THRILLED with myself, and possibly treat myself to an international excursion.
I left the Zambia Missions team. It was a heartbreaking decision, but in the end, I knew that it was the right decision. I have peace about it, and I know God has something AMAZING in the works for me. Already, there are missions opportunities in Haiti for May, and in East Asia for November. Anywhere I could be a blessing is where I want to be.
My friend Jill got me a Bed, Bath, and Beyond gift certificate for my birthday...if you haven't been in that store, and try to go in without having the slightest clue what to get - it can steal HOURS from your life. Now, since my work pal Vicki went on and on about a wine aerator, I KNEW what I had to get at B, B, & B. So, last night I tried it, and it forever changed how I will drink wine. After opening the bottle, I poured a few ounces with out the aerator, and then a few with...and the difference was incredible. An inexpensive bottle became a lot more flavorful with a once-through of the aerator. What first tasted like a mouth of acidic, bright floral notes (with a spark that compares to 7-up) became a smooth, flavor-filled mouthful of wine-y goodness! You gotta try it! (And, thank you Jill!)
I am working on not complaining. Now, most Christians would say that yes, we have so much to be joyful about that avoiding a complaint now and then should be easy. But it is a challenge! I'm giving it my best shot...and right now, my self-grade would be a C+. I can do better than this...and if you are reading this - then I challenge you to do the same. I'm trying to (sing it Johnny Mercer) accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative.
After spending a lot of time around crafty people this weekend, I've decided I want to do more with my small business. The photos are better than I thought they were, and I've got a lot of great ideas that might actually make some money - and enrich people's lives at the same time! I'm adding frames, emergency (treat) travel kits, and wine tasting party kits to the mix...I hope it's all as wonderful as I think it is :)
Things are looking up. I serve a God who reminds me to praise Him in spite of my circumstances - to wait on Him no matter how hard the winds blow or how heavy the clouds rain down. "Thou O Lord, are a shield about me, You're my glory and the lifter of my head." Psalm 3:3 I'm waiting, and I'll worship while I'm waiting. I'm not done.
God Bless you!
If you pray: please lift up my friend Shiy - she needs a miracle!!! We're standing together, believing God will heal and remove any cancer in her system.
I left the Zambia Missions team. It was a heartbreaking decision, but in the end, I knew that it was the right decision. I have peace about it, and I know God has something AMAZING in the works for me. Already, there are missions opportunities in Haiti for May, and in East Asia for November. Anywhere I could be a blessing is where I want to be.
My friend Jill got me a Bed, Bath, and Beyond gift certificate for my birthday...if you haven't been in that store, and try to go in without having the slightest clue what to get - it can steal HOURS from your life. Now, since my work pal Vicki went on and on about a wine aerator, I KNEW what I had to get at B, B, & B. So, last night I tried it, and it forever changed how I will drink wine. After opening the bottle, I poured a few ounces with out the aerator, and then a few with...and the difference was incredible. An inexpensive bottle became a lot more flavorful with a once-through of the aerator. What first tasted like a mouth of acidic, bright floral notes (with a spark that compares to 7-up) became a smooth, flavor-filled mouthful of wine-y goodness! You gotta try it! (And, thank you Jill!)
I am working on not complaining. Now, most Christians would say that yes, we have so much to be joyful about that avoiding a complaint now and then should be easy. But it is a challenge! I'm giving it my best shot...and right now, my self-grade would be a C+. I can do better than this...and if you are reading this - then I challenge you to do the same. I'm trying to (sing it Johnny Mercer) accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative.
After spending a lot of time around crafty people this weekend, I've decided I want to do more with my small business. The photos are better than I thought they were, and I've got a lot of great ideas that might actually make some money - and enrich people's lives at the same time! I'm adding frames, emergency (treat) travel kits, and wine tasting party kits to the mix...I hope it's all as wonderful as I think it is :)
Things are looking up. I serve a God who reminds me to praise Him in spite of my circumstances - to wait on Him no matter how hard the winds blow or how heavy the clouds rain down. "Thou O Lord, are a shield about me, You're my glory and the lifter of my head." Psalm 3:3 I'm waiting, and I'll worship while I'm waiting. I'm not done.
God Bless you!
If you pray: please lift up my friend Shiy - she needs a miracle!!! We're standing together, believing God will heal and remove any cancer in her system.
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